Abdul Rahman Shaik
1 min readMay 14, 2018


A morning fight.

A quarrel with a cab driver.

An inconvenient atmosphere.

A fight over who’s best or which is good or maybe both or may not be or maybe something else.

A strong improper vibes.

Lost your wallet or something important when leaving for work.

A sleepless night because of barking.

These kind of things happen.

These happen no matter what.

These aren’t in our control. And trying to keep in control is not a good idea.

These are futile. And sometimes maybe not, which is not worth to give an attention.

These futile, unimportant, unnecessary things test us.

They test our patience, wise, anger management, effort, trueness, and lot more.

If you give attention, you waste your time, effort, energy and realize it’s better not to give attention. If you don’t give attention, you’ll save your energy, effort and time and say it’s better to have something important.

The uncontrollable things happen and can’t be control. Still, don’t believe, try and see for yourself. All we can do is, keep ourselves in control. Save that energy, effort, and time for important things rather than on futile, senseless-sense seeming, unnecessary, unimportant.


What is the point of arguing over which comes first chicken or egg?

It doesn’t matter to me, if I want to eat egg, I’ll eat. If I want to eat chicken, I’ll eat.

